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materiality ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

materiality anlamı
1) maddiyat
2) maddilik
3) gereklilik
4) lüzum

"materiality" için örnek kullanımlar

Based on materiality, we have not provided pro forma financial results.
Önemlilik dayanarak, proforma mali sonuçlar elde değil.
Kaynak: marketwatch.com
There is no de minimis standard or materiality threshold for the reporting requirement.
Hayır de minimis standart veya raporlama gereksinimi için önemlilik eşiği yoktur.
Kaynak: ca.linexlegal.com
The materiality of the hull claims was linked to the extent to which they caused loss of hire.
Gövde iddiaların önemlilik onlar kiralama kaybına neden ne ölçüde bağlıydı.
Kaynak: ca.linexlegal.com
Others contain proximate clause language and materiality factors in determining if a breach occurred.
Diğerleri ihlali oluştu belirlemede yakın fıkra dil ve önemlilik faktörü içerir.
Kaynak: businesswire.com
Its materiality can, in some ways, be linked to the concept of Determinism , as espoused by Enlightenment thinkers. It has been
Kaynak: Materialism
Instead it means means both materiality and sensibility — signifying, for example, a tactile object both insofar as that object is made of
Kaynak: Rūpa
When referring to digital text and documents, the term materiality refers to the physical medium used to store and convey the text, as
Kaynak: Materiality (digital text)
ISA 320 Audit Materiality is one of the International Standards on Auditing . establish an acceptable materiality level in design the audit plan .
Kaynak: ISA 320 Audit Materiality
438 (1976 was a case in which the Supreme Court of the United States articulated the requirement of materiality in securities fraud cases.
Kaynak: TSC Industries, Inc. v. Northway, Inc.
private individual has committed honest services fraud – a test based on reasonably foreseeable economic harm and a test based on materiality.
Kaynak: Honest services fraud
Establish Materiality and Assess Risks: In order to plan the audit, a preliminary judgment about materiality and assessment of the client's
Kaynak: Information technology audit process
units of physical matter Kalapas are described as tiny units of materiality, “tens of thousands of times smaller than a particle of dust,”
Kaynak: Kalapas
Divine Fullness that encounters the ignorance of the world of Lack and interacts to rectify the error of ignorance in the world of materiality.
Kaynak: Gnosticism
The two dominant constraints are the cost-benefit relationship and materiality. and materiality is a threshold for recognition in
Kaynak: Constraints accounting
and social relations Studying a culture's relationship to materiality is a lens through which social and cultural attitudes can be discussed.
Kaynak: Material culture
compositions, resettlements, social welfare characteristics, materiality, spirituality, and a people's ethnogenesis The typical
Kaynak: Ethnography
Materiality: Perjury law's evolution in the United States has experienced the most debate with regards to the materiality requirement.
Kaynak: Perjury

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