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materialistic ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

materialistic anlamı
1) maddi
2) maddeciliğe ait

"materialistic" için örnek kullanımlar

They learn that money is not materialistic; people are materialistic.
Onlar para materyalist değildir öğrenmek; insanlar materyalist vardır.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
Coogan's Raymond is vacuous, materialistic and emotionally shallow.
Coogan, Raymond anlamsız maddeci ve duygusal sığ.
Kaynak: whatculture.com
And America, it turns out, is a demonstrably materialistic society.
Ve Amerika, o çıkıyor, bir kanıtlanabilir materyalist bir toplum.
Kaynak: seattletimes.com
If one is merely a product of a materialistic universe, from whenc
Biri whenc gelen, sadece materyalist bir evrenin bir ürün ise
Kaynak: centredaily.com
materialistic) is the excessive desire to acquire and consume material goods . It is often bound up with a value system which regards
Kaynak: Economic materialism
The materialistic Cārvāka philosophy appears to have died out some time after 1400. When Madhavacharya compiled Sarva-darśana-samgraha
Kaynak: Materialism
The opposite of matter , material , materialism , or materialistic Maya (illusion) A concept in all Dharmic religions , that all matter is
Kaynak: Immaterial
The Bārhaspatya-sūtras (a patronymic of Brhaspati ), also Lokāyata ("materialistic", "atheistic") sutras were the foundational text of the
Kaynak: Barhaspatya sutras
The below is a list of Asuras , a group of power-seeking deities in Hinduism , sometimes considered sinful and materialistic.
Kaynak: List of Asuras
It is also a treatise on the nature and organisation of knowledge and is something of an attack on what Schumacher calls "materialistic
Kaynak: A Guide for the Perplexed
Cārvāka is classified as a heterodox Hindu (Nāstika ) system It is characterized as a materialistic and atheistic school of thought.
Kaynak: Cārvāka
Evola believed that mankind is living in the Kali Yuga , a Dark Age of unleashed materialistic appetites, spiritual oblivion and organised
Kaynak: Julius Evola
the early Mimamsa also rejected the notion of God The thoroughly materialistic and anti-theistic philosophical Cārvāka (also called
Kaynak: Atheism
is smugly narrow of mind and of conventional morality whose materialistic views and tastes indicate a lack of and indifference to
Kaynak: Philistinism
Other Jewish stereotypes are the rabbi , the complaining and guilt-inflicting Jewish mother , the spoiled and materialistic Jewish-
Kaynak: Stereotypes of Jews
identify the man or woman who is a member of the wealthiest social class of a given society, and their materialistic worldview (Weltanschauung ).
Kaynak: Bourgeoisie
The primary difference is in their goals, as the new movements focus not on issues of materialistic qualities such as economic wellbeing,
Kaynak: New social movements
Story lines deal with the culture clash between the idealistic Cohen family and the shallow, materialistic, and closed-minded community in
Kaynak: The O.C.

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