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palmist ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

palmist anlamı
1) el falcısı

"palmist" için örnek kullanımlar

Mohammed Akrum Malik (born January 27, 1923) is a palmist and clairvoyant who has written three core books on palmistry and numerous
Kaynak: M. A. Malik (Palmist)
Madalyn Aslan (born October 5, 1963) is an American writer , astrologer , and palmist . She is the author of Madalyn Aslan's Jupiter
Kaynak: Madalyn Aslan
After studying thoroughly for two years, he returned to London and started his career as a palmist. Cheiro was reluctant to marry but was
Kaynak: Cheiro
Abdullah Shaukat Chaudhry better known by his nickname Mammo or Mammon or Mamu is a Pakistan i prominent astrologist and palmist who is
Kaynak: Abdullah Shaukat Chaudhry
A.V. Laider is a palmist who foretells the death of four people riding on a train - or does he? The play had its premiere at the Barter
Kaynak: The Incomparable Max
Cheiro , aka William John Warner, (1866–1936), Irish astrologer and palmist. William Warner (Missouri) (1840–1916), U.S. Congressman and
Kaynak: William Warner
date March 2008 Described as a Renaissance Man , he has been a guru , historian , natural history expert, palmist , vegetarian cook,
Kaynak: Kantilal Jivan
A palmist named Podgers (Thomas Mitchell ) is making uncannily accurate predictions at a party for the rich and bored. He tells skeptical
Kaynak: Flesh and Fantasy
orphan named Salim, who plays a part in some of these adventures and dreams of becoming an actor, as it was foretold by a palmist at a fair.
Kaynak: Q & A (novel)

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