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plaintiff ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

plaintiff anlamı
1) davacı
2) şikâyetçi

"plaintiff" için örnek kullanımlar

Kyle Stockard, lead plaintiff in the case, said he hadn't heard the news.
Kyle Stockard, durumda kurşun davacı, o haberi olmadığını söyledi.
Kaynak: mercedsunstar.com
The judge also awarded attorney fees and costs to the prevailing plaintiff.
Yargıç ayrıca hakim davacıya avukatlık ücretleri ve maliyetleri ödüllendirildi.
Kaynak: abajournal.com
"Sheindlin was willful and intended to cause injury to the plaintiff."
"Sheindlin inatçı ve davacının yaralanmasına neden amaçlanmıştır oldu."
Kaynak: nydailynews.com
Pino proposed correcting the opinion to say "plaintiff verification."
Pino söylemek görüşü düzelterek önerdi "Davacı doğrulama."
Kaynak: newschief.com
A plaintiff (Π in legal shorthand ), also known as a claimant or complainant, is the term used in some jurisdictions for the party who
Kaynak: Plaintiff
In a class action lawsuit , a lead plaintiff (also called class representative, named plaintiff, or representative plaintiff) is the named
Kaynak: Lead plaintiff
A lawsuit or (very rarely) "suit in law is a civil action brought in a court of law in which a plaintiff , a party who claims to have
Kaynak: Lawsuit
Using the vocabulary of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure , the defendant seeks to become a third-party plaintiff by filing a third
Kaynak: Impleader
Applying these principles led to the conclusion that although the two sections were valid, they did not apply to the plaintiff's action.
Kaynak: Plaintiff S157 v The Commonwealth
The plaintiff must demonstrate that the defendant's action increased the risk that the particular harm suffered by the plaintiff would
Kaynak: Proximate cause
The thin skull rule is not to be confused with the related crumbling skull rule in which the plaintiff suffers from a detrimental position
Kaynak: Eggshell skull
defendant's gain rather than the plaintiff's loss The plaintiff thereby gains damages which are not measured by reference to any loss sustained.
Kaynak: Damages
Some states permit plaintiff's counsel to settle for all the mass action plaintiffs according to a majority vote, for example.
Kaynak: Class action
(see: cause of action ) that the filing party or parties (the plaintiff (s) believes are sufficient to support a claim against the party
Kaynak: Complaint
A Civil Action is a 1998 American drama film starring John Travolta (as plaintiff's attorney Jan Schlichtmann ) and Robert Duvall , based
Kaynak: A Civil Action (film)
Before he could do so, the defendant, who had no knowledge of the plaintiff's actions, found the heaps and hauled them off to his own land
Kaynak: Haslem v. Lockwood
Fictitious defendants are real persons a plaintiff believes it has a cause of action against in a lawsuit who, for one reason or another
Kaynak: Fictitious defendants
Rei vindicatio is a legal action by which the plaintiff demands that the defendant return a thing that belongs to the plaintiff.
Kaynak: Rei vindicatio
Flood negligently treated plaintiff's leg fracture, that proper treatment of that fracture or the bruises on plaintiff's back included
Kaynak: Landeros v. Flood

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