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pointedly ne demek?

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pointedly anlamı

"pointedly" için örnek kullanımlar

His performance focused solely and pointedly on race issues in America.
Onun performansı Amerika'da ırk konular üzerinde yalnızca ve anlamlı duruldu.
Kaynak: cornellsun.com
Yes, that Barenboim, which the CSO programming matter rather pointedly omits.
Evet, o STK programlama meselesi oldukça anlamlı atlar Barenboim,.
Kaynak: chicagotribune.com
Previously, the annual award pointedly was given to an "honorary Irish person."
Daha önce, yıllık ödül anlamlı bir verildi "onursal İrlandalı kişi."
Kaynak: dailyfreeman.com
Suddenly a stern park attendant appeared, pointedly asking just what we were up to.
Aniden sert bir parkın görevlisi pointedly biz kadar vardı sadece ne soran çıktı.
Kaynak: nola.com
The Cartesian theater is a derisive term coined by philosopher and cognitive scientist Daniel Dennett to pointedly refer to a defining
Kaynak: Cartesian theater
Arminian debate , and the fault lines include conflicting definitions of depravity , predestination , atonement , but most pointedly justification .
Kaynak: Salvation (Christianity)
vikṣepa is defined as the mental motion or wandering towards an object which causes the inability to remain one-pointedly on a virtuous objective
Kaynak: Vikṣepa
He left only a few works: his liking for pointedly neutral titles along the lines of 'Music for ...' has caused him to be seen as a
Kaynak: Rudi Stephan
reaches an age at which the realities of racism are beginning to affect his life more directly and pointedly than they had in his childhood.
Kaynak: Take a Giant Step
During the October Crisis on October 13, 1970, Ralfe interviewed then-Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and pointedly questioned Trudeau
Kaynak: Tim Ralfe
Painted when the artist was yet 31, the work severely and pointedly contrasts the grandeur and might of a cloud-born Olympian male deity
Kaynak: Jupiter and Thetis
prints and books – marketed as low-priced limited editions – comment pointedly on the absurdities of national identity, art and iconography.
Kaynak: Cautese Nationál Postal Disservice
He was the only real father that Caroline Aleata had ever known, as he pointedly told his ex-wife in an episode in 1975. Eddie had
Kaynak: Edouard Aleata
He refuses, but she pointedly shares a tale of a bus driver who has a ghostly experience with an okiku doll during one night.
Kaynak: Dark Tales of Japan
was accepted the following year and reviewed very favourably by The Times, which commented pointedly on its previous failure to win a place
Kaynak: Medea (Sandys painting)
Hoesslin responded by one final sold-out concert at which he pointedly conducted Beethoven's Ninth Symphony concluding with Schiller's
Kaynak: Franz von Hoesslin
Police Commissioner Donald Pomerleau revoked the union's collective bargaining rights, fired its organizers, and pointedly harassed its
Kaynak: Baltimore police strike
Secundus, in his reply, without blaming Mensurius, somewhat pointedly praised the martyrs who in his own province had been tortured and
Kaynak: Mensurius
com which features him pointedly questioning political figures as they leave the Sunday morning talkshows. In 2011, he was suspended by
Kaynak: Sam Husseini
Critics have noted, sometimes pointedly, that Diop himself spent most of his life outside Africa. Category:Postcolonial literature
Kaynak: The Renegade (poem)
The B text of the Welsh annals asserted he was killed in the battle with Llywelyn; the Chronicle of the Princes , however, pointedly notes
Kaynak: Rhain the Irishman
Their comedy is often pointedly intellectual , with numerous erudite references to philosophers and literary figures. The series followed
Kaynak: Monty Python's Flying Circus
Auron"; when Cally reveals why she has never returned to her homeworld, she quite pointedly snaps, "Why do you imagine I've never gone back..
Kaynak: Kerr Avon

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