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pointillism ne demek?

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pointillism anlamı

"pointillism" için örnek kullanımlar

The 10 colors, partially developed by German chemical company BASF, are meant to evoke the pointillism of Islamic mosaics.
Kısmen Alman kimya şirketi BASF tarafından geliştirilen 10 renkler, İslami mozaikler Noktacilik uyandırmak içindir.
Kaynak: spiegel.de
Punctualism (commonly also called "pointillism" or "point music") is a style of musical composition prevalent in Europe between 1949 and
Kaynak: Punctualism
He is noted for his innovative use of drawing media and for devising the technique of painting known as pointillism . His large-scale work
Kaynak: Georges Seurat
Divisionism developed along with another style, pointillism , which is defined specifically by the use of dots of paint and does not
Kaynak: Divisionism
juxtaposed small dots of pure color, intended to combine and blend not on the canvas but in the viewer's eye, the defining feature of pointillism.
Kaynak: Paul Signac
With Émile Bernard he-- adopted elements of pointillism , a technique in which a multitude of small colored dots are applied to the
Kaynak: Vincent van Gogh
is one of Georges Seurat 's most famous works, and is an example of pointillism . Overview: Georges Seurat spent over two years painting A
Kaynak: A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte
Pissarro then spent the years from 1885 to 1888 practicing this more time-consuming and laborious technique, referred to as pointillism .
Kaynak: Camille Pissarro
(11 September 1854, Mâcon – 18 September 1929, Paris) was a French Post-Impressionist painter who practiced the technique of pointillism .
Kaynak: Hippolyte Petitjean
communication and presentation Similar to chromoluminarism used in the pointillism style of painting , in which small distinct points of
Kaynak: Pixel artist
His work included pointillism and photorealism and he created a remarkable and highly original body of work that represents an important
Kaynak: John Roy
He reached his peak in painting in 1903–1907 and was notable for a peculiar divisionist painting technique bordering on pointillism and
Kaynak: Igor Grabar

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