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prisoner ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

prisoner anlamı
1) esir
2) tutuklu
3) tutsak
4) mahpus
5) hükümlü

"prisoner" için örnek kullanımlar

Little do viewers know that this prisoner is worth more than meets the eye.
Küçük izleyiciler göründüğünden daha bu esiri daha değerli olduğunu biliyorum.
Kaynak: prnewswire.com
But the prisoner painting probably is not the work of the covert British maestro Banksy.
Fakat esir boyama muhtemelen gizli İngiliz maestro Banksy eseri değildir.
Kaynak: nola.com
One former head of the Shin Bet recalls an incident in which soldiers killed a prisoner.
Şin Bet biri eski başkanı askerler esir öldürdüm hangi bir olay hatırlıyor.
Kaynak: playbackstl.com
The black and white photo in the textbook was of a shirtless prisoner chained to a wall.
Ders kitabında siyah beyaz fotoğraf bir gömleksiz mahkumun bir duvara zincirlenmiş olarak.
Kaynak: redding.com
A prisoner, also known as an inmate, is a person who is deprived of liberty against their will. This can be by confinement, captivity, or
Kaynak: Prisoner
A prisoner of war (POW, PoW, PW, P/W, WP, PsW, enemy prisoner of war (EPW) or "Missing-Captured) is a person, whether combatant or non-
Kaynak: Prisoner of war
According to the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, a political prisoner is ‘someone who is in prison because they have opposed or
Kaynak: Political prisoner
Prisons may also be used as a tool of political repression to detain political prisoner s, prisoners of conscience , and "enemies of the
Kaynak: Prison
Nations , are considered distinct and separate from the imprisonment of political prisoner s and others not charged with a specific crime.
Kaynak: Incarceration
The position of a hostage was that of a prisoner of war , to be retained till the negotiations or treaty obligations were carried out, and
Kaynak: Hostage

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