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prism ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

prism anlamı
1) prizma

"prism" için örnek kullanımlar

It just so happens the Giants don't seem to view it under the same prism.
Sadece bu yüzden Devler aynı prizmanın altında görüntülemek için görünmüyor olur.
Kaynak: bleacherreport.com
But that is to view bees through a very limited, anthropocentric prism.
Ama bu çok sınırlı, antroposentrik prizmadan arılar görüntülemek için.
Kaynak: guardian.co.uk
Watching world events through the prism of twitter is absolutely fascinating.
Twitter prizmasından dünya olaylarını izlemek kesinlikle büyüleyici.
Kaynak: espn.go.com
The problem is that bears see things through one prism, bulls through another.
Sorun şu ki, ayıların başka aracılığıyla bir prizma, boğa aracılığıyla şeyler görmek.
Kaynak: qfinance.com
Prism may refer to: Science and mathematics : Prism (optics), a transparent object which refracts light. Dispersive prism , the most familiar
Kaynak: Prism
In geometry , a prism is a polyhedron with an n-sided polygon al base, a translated copy (not in the same plane as the first), and n
Kaynak: Prism (geometry)
In optics , a prism is a transparent optical element with flat, polished surfaces that refract light . At least two of the flat surfaces
Kaynak: Prism (optics)
In optics , a dispersive prism is a type of optical prism , usually having the shape of a geometrical triangular prism . optical prism ,
Kaynak: Dispersive prism
A Nomarski prism is a modification of the Wollaston prism that is used in differential interference contrast microscopy . It is named
Kaynak: Nomarski prism
Eye care professionals use prism correction as a component of some eyeglass prescription s. A lens with prism correction displaces the
Kaynak: Prism correction
The wedge prism is a prism with a shallow angle between its input and output surfaces. Refraction at the surfaces causes the prism to
Kaynak: Wedge prism

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