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prison ne demek?

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prison anlamı
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2) hapishane
3) cezaevi
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5) hapsetme
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"prison" için örnek kullanımlar

Auernheimer will be sentenced next week and faces up to 10 years in prison.
Auernheimer önümüzdeki hafta hapis ve 10 yıl hapis istemiyle yargılanıyor olacak.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
Now the Civil Procedure Code allows a Court to order detention in civil prison.
Şimdi Hukuk Usulü Muhakemeleri Kanunu, bir Mahkeme hukuki hapishanesinde tutuklu sipariş verir.
Kaynak: thefirm.moneycontrol.com
You'll hear prisoners tales brought to life and can even take a tour of the prison.
Sen hayata mahkumlar masalları duyarsınız ve hatta hapishane bir tur alabilir.
Kaynak: itv.com
"You'll see a lot more people going to prison, a lot more people under indictment," he said.
"Sen hapse çok daha fazla insan, iddianamenin altında daha bir çok kişi göreceksiniz," dedi.
Kaynak: www2.tbo.com
A prison (from Old French prisoun also known as gaol, is a place in which people are physically confined and usually deprived of a range
Kaynak: Prison
A 2005 report estimated that 27% of federal prison inmates are noncitizens, convicted of crimes while in the country legally or illegally
Kaynak: Incarceration in the United States
A debtors' prison is a prison for people who are unable to pay debt . Prior to the mid 19th century debtors' prisons were a common way to
Kaynak: Debtors' prison
Prison reform is the attempt to improve conditions inside prison s, aiming at a more effective penal system History: File:Prison populations.
Kaynak: Prison reform
A prison ship, often more precisely termed prison hulk , is a vessel (usually unseaworthy ) salvaged as a prison , often to hold convict s
Kaynak: Prison ship
Federal prison s are run by national governments in countries where subdivisions of the country also operate prisons. federal prisons are
Kaynak: Federal prison
The Baghdad Central Prison, formerly known as Abu Ghraib prison. (سجن أبو غريب ar | Sijn Abū Ghurayb also Abu Ghuraib, lit. ' Father of Raven
Kaynak: Baghdad Central Prison
Fremantle Prison is a former Australian prison located in The Terrace, Fremantle , in Western Australia . includes the prison, gatehouse,
Kaynak: Fremantle Prison
Incarceration is the detention of a person in prison , typically as punishment for a crime (custodial sentence ). People are most
Kaynak: Incarceration
of prison -based, unfree labor — including specific labor, punishment, criminal, political, and transit camps for men, women, and children.
Kaynak: Gulag
HM Prison Wormwood Scrubs (informally "The Scrubs") is a Category B men's prison , located in the Wormwood Scrubs area of the London
Kaynak: HM Prison Wormwood Scrubs
Prison rape refers to rape occurring in prison . It has come into common usage to refer to rape of inmates by other inmates, and less
Kaynak: Prison rape
This is a list of U.S. State prison s (not including federal prisons or county jails in the United States or prisons in U.S. territories):
Kaynak: List of United States state prisons
security Federal prison on Alcatraz Island , 1.25 | mi off the coast of San Francisco , California , USA, which operated from 1934 to 1963.
Kaynak: Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary
HM Prison Reading, formerly known as Reading Gaol, is a prison located in Reading , Berkshire , England . The prison is operated by Her
Kaynak: HM Prison Reading

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