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priority ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

priority anlamı
1) öncelik
2) rüçhan hakkı
3) kıdem

"priority" için örnek kullanımlar

That is why tackling unemployment has to be priority on the European agenda.
Işsizlikle mücadele, Avrupa gündeminde öncelikli olmalı nedeni budur.
Kaynak: business-standard.com
"Implementing an early detection and rapid response program should be a priority."
"Erken teşhis ve hızlı yanıt programın uygulanması bir öncelik olmalıdır."
Kaynak: leaderpost.com
Despite the aging defense, the Chicago's priority remains on upgrading the offense.
Yaşlanma savunma rağmen, Chicago önceliği suç yükseltme kalır.
Kaynak: bleacherreport.com
After losing many key veterans, the Ravens are making Reed a priority, sources said.
Birçok anahtar gazileri kaybettikten sonra, Kuzgunlar Reed öncelik yapıyoruz, kaynakları söyledi.
Kaynak: cbssports.com
In patent , industrial design rights and trademark law s, a priority right or right of priority is a time-limited right , triggered by the
Kaynak: Priority right
In computer science , a priority queue is an abstract data type which is like a regular queue or stack data structure, but where
Kaynak: Priority queue
32 priority levels are defined, 0 through to 31, with priorities 0 through 15 being "normal" priorities and priorities 16 through 31 being
Kaynak: Scheduling (computing)
The "Convention priority right ", also called "Paris Convention priority right" or "Union priority right", was also established by Article
Kaynak: Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property
In science , priority is the claim and recognition of first discovery or theory. Fame and honors usually go to the first person or group
Kaynak: Scientific priority
to which Einstein and various other individuals should be credited for the formulation of these theories, based on priority considerations.
Kaynak: Relativity priority dispute
Priority level or priority, in the Telecommunications Service Priority system, is the level that may be assigned to an NS/EP
Kaynak: Priority level
unary operators have a higher priority than binary operators, that is, the unary minus (negation) has higher precedence than
Kaynak: Order of operations
This is a list of priority disputes in science and science-related fields (such as mathematics ). Oxygen : Joseph Priestley , Carl
Kaynak: List of scientific priority disputes
Equalizing – Makes assumptions on what needs immediate priority based on the data usage. Excellent choice. date June 2011 for wide open
Kaynak: WAN optimization

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