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recess ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

recess anlamı
1) girinti
2) ara
3) tatil
4) yuva
5) mola
6) kovuk
7) gizli yer
8) yatak
1) girinti yapmak
2) oymak
3) ara vermek
4) boşluğa yerleştirmek
5) paydos etmek
6) tatil olmak
7) yer açmak

"recess" için örnek kullanımlar

Judge Nealon was a recess appointment and had been on the job since Dec. 15.
Yargıç Nealon bir girinti randevu oldu ve Aralık tarihi 15 iş olmuştu.
Kaynak: thetimes-tribune.com
were yanked out of recess and told to play at an intense championship level.
girintinin dışarı yanked ve yoğun bir şampiyonluk seviyesinde oynamak için söylendi.
Kaynak: cohn.blogs.pressdemocrat.com
Eventually, after a brief recess greeted by cries of "Shame! Shame!"
Sonunda, kısa bir aranın ardından çığlıkları ile karşılandı "Utanç! Ayıp!"
Kaynak: philly.com
Now, the Tigers will prepare to begin Ivy League action over the spring recess.
Şimdi, Kaplanlar bahar tenefüs bitti Ivy League eylemini başlatmak için hazırlayacaktır.
Kaynak: dailyprincetonian.com
Recess is a general term for a period of time in which a group of people is temporarily dismissed from its duties. a recess is initiated
Kaynak: Recess (break)
NOTOC_In parliamentary procedure , "recess" refers to legislative bodies—such as parliament s, assemblies , juries —that are released to
Kaynak: Recess (motion)
or ˈ | æ | l | k | oʊ | v; through alcoba alˈkoβa |, from القبة, meaning al-qubbah, "the vault") is an architectural term for a recess in a
Kaynak: Alcove
The epitympanic recess is a hollow located on the superior/roof aspect of the middle ear . Clinical significance: This recess is a possible
Kaynak: Epitympanic recess
A recess appointment is the appointment, by the President of the United States , of a senior federal official while the U.S. Senate is in
Kaynak: Recess appointment
Behind the ostium of the eustacian tube is a deep recess, the pharyngeal recess (fossa of Rosenmüller). Clinical significance
Kaynak: Pharyngeal recess
The hepatorenal recess or subhepatic recess is the space that separates the liver from the right kidney . the recess is not filled with
Kaynak: Hepatorenal recess of subhepatic space
In the pleural cavity , the costodiaphragmatic recess (also called phrenicocostal sinus) is a potential space at the posteriormost tips
Kaynak: Costodiaphragmatic recess
The pineal recess is a small recess of the third ventricle which projects into the stalk of the pineal body . Category:Neuroanatomy
Kaynak: Pineal recess
The lateral recess is a projection of the fourth ventricle which extends into the inferior cerebellar peduncle of the brainstem .
Kaynak: Lateral recess

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