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recipe ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

recipe anlamı
1) reçete
2) yemek tarifi
3) tarife

"recipe" için örnek kullanımlar

Recipe: Grilled Radishes, Fennel and Asparagus Salad with a Caper Dressing.
Tarif: Izgara Turp, Rezene ve Kapari Sos ile Kuşkonmaz Salatası.
Kaynak: yourlocalguardian.co.uk
Here is a nutritious recipe that can be enjoyed at breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Burada kahvaltı, öğle ve akşam yemeği yiyebilirsiniz besleyici bir reçetedir.
Kaynak: parkerpioneer.net
Florida 80, LSU 58: Gators torch Tigers with same recipe as before.
Florida 80, LSU 58: daha önce olduğu gibi aynı reçete ile Gators meşale Kaplanlar.
Kaynak: alligatorarmy.com
"It's not as if we're following a recipe," said Professor Archer.
"Biz bir reçete takip ediyorsanız gibi değil," Profesör Archer dedi.
Kaynak: stuff.co.nz
A recipe is a set of instructions that describe how to prepare or make something, especially a culinary dish . The word is Latin , the
Kaynak: Recipe
A cookbook is a kitchen reference publication that typically contains a collection of recipe s. Modern versions may also include colorful
Kaynak: Cookbook
A rhyming recipe is a recipe expressed in the form of a rhyming poem . Now mainly a curiosity, rhyming recipes were a common expedient
Kaynak: Rhyming recipe

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