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reciprocity ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

reciprocity anlamı
1) karşılıklılık
2) karşıtlık
3) karşılıklı olma

"reciprocity" için örnek kullanımlar

Under current law there is no income tax reciprocity agreement with Wisconsin.
Yürürlükteki yasaya göre Wisconsin ile hiçbir vergi karşılıklılık anlaşması var.
Kaynak: hr.cch.com
And what's missing in this discussion of forgiveness is the sense of reciprocity.
Ve ne bağışlaması bu tartışmada eksik karşılıklılık duygusu.
Kaynak: app1.kuhf.org
He said that a visa exemption would provide reciprocity between the EU and the UAE.
O bir vize muafiyeti AB ve BAE arasındaki karşılıklılık sağlayacağını söyledi.
Kaynak: thenational.ae
"Members will also have global reciprocity to 267 clubs in seven countries," he said.
"Üyeler, ayrıca yedi ülkede 267 kulübü küresel karşılıklılık olacak," dedi.
Kaynak: bdlive.co.za
In classical electromagnetism , reciprocity refers to a variety of related theorems involving the interchange of time- harmonic electric
Kaynak: Reciprocity (electromagnetism)
In cultural anthropology and sociology , reciprocity refers to non-market exchange of goods and labour ; that is, "gift economic systems
Kaynak: Reciprocity (cultural anthropology)
The social norm of reciprocity is the expectation that people will respond to each other in similar ways—responding to gifts and kindnesses
Kaynak: Reciprocity (social and political philosophy)
The norm of reciprocity is the expectation that people will respond favorably to each other by returning benefits for benefits, and
Kaynak: Norm of reciprocity
In international relations and treaties , the principle of reciprocity states that favours, benefits, or penalties that are granted by one
Kaynak: Reciprocity (international relations)
In nineteenth and early twentieth century Canadian politics , reciprocity meant the removal of protective tariffs on all natural resources
Kaynak: Reciprocity (Canadian politics)
In photography reciprocity is the inverse relationship between the intensity and duration of light that determines the reaction of light-
Kaynak: Reciprocity (photography)
The Golden Rule or ethic of reciprocity is a maxim ethical code or morality that essentially states either of the following
Kaynak: Golden Rule
Here Reciprocity is another quantity to specifically characterize directed networks . Link reciprocity measures the tendency of vertex
Kaynak: Reciprocity (network science)
English does not, and it generally uses "each other" or some other phrase to indicate reciprocity. Latin uses inter and the reflexive
Kaynak: Reciprocal (grammar)
However, some elements essential for reciprocity have not yet been demonstrated. The criterion that an individual doesn't expect an
Kaynak: Reciprocal altruism

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