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recipient ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

recipient anlamı
1) alıcı
2) alan kimse
1) alıcı
2) alan
3) duyarlı
4) hassas
5) yatkın

"recipient" için örnek kullanımlar

Another female liver recipient has also delighted surgeons with her progress.
Başka bir kadın karaciğer alıcının da onu ilerleme ile cerrahlar memnun sahiptir.
Kaynak: herald.ie
Coincidentally, both the donor and the recipient who died are members of the military.
Tesadüfen, öldü verici ve alıcı hem askeri üyeleridir.
Kaynak: wptv.com
ProExhibits has been selected as a 2013 "Top Business" recipient by Diversity Business.
ProExhibits Çeşitlilik İş tarafından 2013 "En iyi iş" alıcı olarak seçildi.
Kaynak: prweb.com
The Maryland recipient died February 27 at a VA Medical Center in Washington after falling ill.
Maryland alıcı hasta düştükten sonra Washington'da bir VA Tıp Merkezi'nde Şubat 27 öldü.
Kaynak: wqad.com
With the death of Edward Kenna on 8 July 2009, Keith Payne is the only living recipient of the original Victoria Cross; three recipients
Kaynak: List of Australian Victoria Cross recipients
The recipient must have distinguished themselves at the risk of their own life above and beyond the call of duty in action against an
Kaynak: List of Medal of Honor recipients
Given in the list below are the place and date of each recipient's Medal of Honor action, as well as their rank at the time of the action.
Kaynak: List of Medal of Honor recipients during peacetime
The recipient must have distinguished themselves at the risk of their own life above and beyond the call of duty in action against an
Kaynak: List of Medal of Honor recipients for World War II

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