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redolent ne demek?

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redolent anlamı
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"redolent" için örnek kullanımlar

This dish is redolent with intoxicating spices and dried and fresh fruit.
Bu yemeğin sarhoş baharat ve kurutulmuş ve taze meyve ile kokulu olduğunu.
Kaynak: vancouversun.com
Elsewhere, much of the material is redolent of Britpop.
Diğer yandan, çok malzemenin Britpop kokan olup.
Kaynak: independent.ie
Supposedly, per I bambini will be redolent of citrus, honey, and the "innocence of childhood."
Güya ben per bambini turunçgil, bal, ve kokan olacak "çocukluk masumiyeti."
Kaynak: philly.com
animal, but rather the earthy, redolent aromas characteristics of the grapes that were known by early American settlers to the New World .
Kaynak: Vitis labrusca
Alex de Large, and in a scene redolent with black humour and violence is forcibly stripped and gang raped, Corri being thrust centre stage
Kaynak: Adrienne Corri
In Northern France, particularly towards the Belgian border (an area traditionally redolent of brewing French style beers ), there has been
Kaynak: Brasserie
This is Scott's gothic novel , redolent with family secrets, stories of hidden treasure and hopeless love, with a mysterious, handsome,
Kaynak: The Antiquary
.loathsomely redolent of spheres and dimensions apart from ours The short story also asserts the premise that while currently trapped in
Kaynak: R'lyeh
more redolent of the English Renaissance style, the house was actually in the Strawberry Hill Gothic style popularized by Horace Walpole .
Kaynak: Tong Castle
refers to the school as Robinson's "masterpiece" and notes that the structure is "a celebration of education, a building redolent of civic pride
Kaynak: Thomas Jefferson High School (Richmond, Virginia)
and even a novel (Quand l'ail se frotte a l'encens), the plot of which focuses on the social gap in a fictional society redolent of Mali's.
Kaynak: Adame Ba Konaré
s to set their games within a milieu of tropical volcanic islands redolent with themes of piracy, political intrigue, a popular resistance
Kaynak: Lordship of the Isles (Greyhawk)
The poem is notable for its deployment of imagery of nature, and in this respect is redolent of Duncan Ban MacIntyre 's Beinn Dorain ,
Kaynak: Hallaig
regret by writing little poems and tales redolent of the yearnings and sympathies of a Basque transplanted to the busy cosmopolitan center.
Kaynak: Antonio de Trueba
Watson | 2004 | p 536 | ps The earlier books evoke visions of an outdoor 1940s and 1950s childhood redolent of Enid Blyton 's Famous Five
Kaynak: Lone Pine (books)
which was redolent with the scent of jasmine After university, Jacques Polge began a traditional apprenticeship in Grasse under the
Kaynak: Jacques Polge
Its flowers are white, up to 30 centimetres in diameter with a scent redolent of vanilla . The flowers open after sundown, closing and
Kaynak: Peniocereus greggii
followed by a violent middle part (according to Johnson, redolent of "trial, torture or mass hysteria") followed by a return to the more
Kaynak: The Confession of Isobel Gowdie
workshop, all of it redolent with the aroma of newness The title track of The Turning Gate won the group a Chamber Music Association grant
Kaynak: The New Jazz Composers Octet
redolent of the bourgeois luxury and splendour of the Paris of Napoleon III" and later "... in its day, as sumptuous a hostelry as any
Kaynak: Palace Hotel, Perth
entertained in style providing upper-class residents of York with refined entertainments redolent of British aristocratic and middle-class life
Kaynak: Frederick Widder
It combines features that are redolent of both the Viennese classical style and Russian romantic nationalism. Recordings : The Harp Concerto
Kaynak: Harp Concerto (Glière)
Written in the 1960s, and very redolent of that era, it is an upbeat, cosmopolitan theme featuring brass, wordless vocals and percussion
Kaynak: The Penthouse Suite

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