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redoubtable ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

redoubtable anlamı
1) korkunç
2) heybetli
3) zorlu
4) cesur
5) korkulur
6) yiğit

"redoubtable" için örnek kullanımlar

Sir Denis Forman, the redoubtable former chairman of Granada, died aged 95.
Sir Denis Forman, Granada ve korkulan eski başkanı, 95 yaşında öldü.
Kaynak: manchestereveningnews.co.uk
The defence of the Italians continued to be thoroughly redoubtable, however.
İtalyanların savunması ancak iyice zorlu olmaya devam etti.
Kaynak: insideireland.ie
I ask the redoubtable Anne Harrison WI stalwart and judge.
Ben yiğit Anne Harrison WI korkusuz ve yargıç isteyin.
Kaynak: radiotimes.com
With the defence redoubtable, and Bayern as subdued as the home crowd, Arsenal deserved victory.
Ev kalabalık olarak bastırılmış gibi savunma heybetli ve Bayern ile Arsenal zaferi haketti.
Kaynak: telegraph.co.uk
As its captain, the redoubtable Para Handy , often says: "the smertest boat in the coastin' tred". Puffers seem to have been regarded
Kaynak: Vital Spark
External links: uk/redoubtable. htm Redoubtable at Battleships-Cruisers. co. uk. Category:Ships built in France Category:1876 ships Category:
Kaynak: French ironclad Redoutable
During his reign, the redoubtable general Corbulo conducted a successful war and negotiated peace with the Parthian Empire .
Kaynak: Nero
In 2012 he released a solo album called Out Of The Shadows again featuring the redoubtable Robert Price on vocals. External links
Kaynak: Kerryn Tolhurst
He was a redoubtable campaigner for railway safety, often in the face of strong opposition, at a time when railway investment was being
Kaynak: William Yolland
recruits, which caught the attention of Arthur Christiansen , redoubtable editor of the Daily Express, and worked in Fleet Street for ten years.
Kaynak: Ted Simon
Against the redoubtable combination of gendarmes and Swiss mercenary pikemen in the French force, the allies had only Neapolitan troops
Kaynak: Battle of Seminara
Nandikeshvara (2nd century AD) was the great theorist on stage-craft of ancient India, redoubtable rival of Bharata Muni . He was the
Kaynak: Nandikeshvara
and The Strange Affliction Called Love) as well as a pleasing accompaniment to the redoubtable Claire Moore In Disdain" and Then Kill For Me.
Kaynak: Much Ado
However, the Rasulids were on the alert and sent the redoubtable emir Alam ad-Din Sinjar al-Sha'bi with a force, "springing upon him like
Kaynak: Yahya bin Muhammad as-Siraji

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