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redound ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

redound anlamı
1) gerilemek
2) kazandırmak
3) arttırmak
4) yararı olmak
5) iyi etkilemek
6) sonuçlanmak

"redound" için örnek kullanımlar

To the right, projections of famous paintings pixellate and amplify, animate and redound.
Sağ, ünlü resimlerinden projeksiyonları pixellate ve yükseltmek, animasyon ve gerilemek.
Kaynak: theage.com.au
In the 1940s, after the war had started, the FDR administration is already thinking quite seriously about how Britain's impending bankruptcy can redound to the geopolitical benefit of the United States.
Savaş başladıktan sonra 1940 yılında, FDR yönetiminin zaten İngiltere'nin yaklaşan iflas ABD'nin jeopolitik yararına gerilemek nasıl hakkında oldukça ciddi düşünüyor.
Kaynak: washingtonpost.com
symptom of enforced anonymity that would redound to the advantage of the marchands-merciers , the decorator-dealers for whom BVRB often worked.
Kaynak: Bernard II van Risamburgh
Tho'past and gone in light,Thy name is still renown d,And as a chief in might,Thy deeds are ever crown'd,Let echoing vales redound,By
Kaynak: Gone Forth Beyond the Sea
tributes to Renaissance literary works; and in many cases the nature of these works redound on the action of these three novels themselves:
Kaynak: Ægypt
unknown; a means by which all the glory would redound unto Himself alone, since, being merely His agents, man would claim no part therein ...".
Kaynak: Marie de Sales Chappuis
remaining Holy or, better yet, the Dominant center of the domain of the faith – would lose none of its prestige and would redound to Italy's credit.
Kaynak: Roman Question
He became involved in another controversy over the Lord's Supper in Bremen , which did not redound to his glory, opposing Albert
Kaynak: Tilemann Heshusius
ingenious hand, we flatter ourselves, would somewhat redound to the honour, reputation, and increase of those branches of the sciences in Britain.
Kaynak: Prodromus Entomology
the prices of government and corporate bonds in order to redound greater profits to the firm and inflate their bonuses in the years 2007–2009.
Kaynak: Psagot Investment House
In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the military is only used to redound the glory of main admiral character and hero; however, in
Kaynak: Jeokbyeokga
and painstaking effort should characterize your every act so that the result may redound to the everlasting credit and benefit of our people
Kaynak: William Charles Rogers
Virtue ethics redound to original and creative leadership. Christian life has a formidable impact on leadership, because the supernatural
Kaynak: Virtuous Leadership

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