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rust ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

rust anlamı
1) pas
2) paslanma
3) pas rengi
4) ekin pası
5) hamlama
6) körelme
1) paslanmak
2) köreltmek
3) pas lekesi olmak
4) hamlamak
5) körelmek
6) el becerisini yitirmek
7) paslandırmak
8) hamlatmak

"rust" için örnek kullanımlar

Gophers women's hockey: Amanda Kessel shakes off rust just in time for NCAA.
Gophers kadın hokey: Amanda Kessel sallar off NCAA için tam zamanında pas.
Kaynak: twincities.com
Rust from iron pipes may cause some temporary tap water discoloration.
Demir borular itibaren Pas bazı geçici musluk suyu renk değişimine neden olabilir.
Kaynak: kcrg.com
He used a palette of white, mustard, blue, rust, olive, red and pink.
O beyaz, hardal, mavi, pas, zeytin, kırmızı ve pembe bir palet kullanılır.
Kaynak: blogs.reuters.com
It doesn't appear Guthrie has shaken off all the rust quite yet.
Bu Guthrie oldukça henüz tüm pas off sarstı görünmüyor.
Kaynak: kckingdom.com
Wheat leaf rust, is fungal disease that affects wheat , barley and rye stems, leaves and grains. In temperate zones it is destructive
Kaynak: Wheat leaf rust
For example phosphoric acid in the form of naval jelly is often applied to ferrous tools or surfaces to remove rust. Corrosion removal
Kaynak: Corrosion
Iron(III) oxide is often called rust , and to some extent this label is useful, because rust shares several properties and has a similar
Kaynak: Iron(III) oxide

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