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rustic ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

rustic anlamı
1) rustik
2) kırsal
3) köy
4) kaba
5) sade
6) köylü
7) yontulmamış
8) kaba biçimli
9) hoyrat
10) gösterişsiz
1) taşralı
2) köylü
3) hödük
4) kaba kimse
5) yontulmamış tip

"rustic" için örnek kullanımlar

She smiles toothily in front of rustic wooden crates piled with zucchini.
O kabak ile kazıklı rustik ahşap kasalar önünde toothily gülümsüyor.
Kaynak: zeenews.india.com
I don't feel like she was quite so…rustic prior to making the Top 10.
O oldukça çok olduğu gibi ... öncesinde Top 10 yapmak için rustik hissediyorum yok.
Kaynak: rochestercitynewspaper.com
The place is a celebration of rustic Basque and Spanish decor and food.
Rustik Bask ve İspanyol dekor ve yiyecek bir kutlama olduğunu.
Kaynak: mercurynews.com
Prom season was as special as it is these days, but a bit more rustic.
Balo sezonu bu gün olduğu gibi özel, ama biraz daha rustik oldu.
Kaynak: nassaucountyrecord.com
National Park Service rustic — sometimes colloquially called Parkitecture — is a style of architecture that developed in the early and
Kaynak: National Park Service rustic
Rustic furniture is furniture employing sticks, twigs or logs for a natural look. Many companies, artists and craftspeople make rustic
Kaynak: Rustic furniture
The tasks of their employment with sheep and other rustic chores is held in the fantasy to be almost wholly undemanding and is left in the
Kaynak: Pastoral
A ground floor with rustication, especially in an English mansion such as Kedleston Hall is sometimes referred to as the "rustic floor",
Kaynak: Rustication (architecture)

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