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socialisation ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

socialisation anlamı
1) sosyalleştirme
2) kamulaştırma

"socialisation" için örnek kullanımlar

It brings us together, binds us, unites us in socialisation.
O bizi bir araya getiriyor bizi bağlar, sosyalleşme bizi birleştiriyor.
Kaynak: couriermail.com.au
University is the most intense period of socialisation we are ever likely to experience.
Üniversite biz hiç deneyim muhtemeldir toplumsallaşmanın en yoğun dönemidir.
Kaynak: thebeaveronline.co.uk
He is again pushing for higher taxes to expand the socialisation of big Government society.
Yine büyük Hükümet toplumun sosyalleşme genişletmek için yüksek vergiler için bastırıyor.
Kaynak: sail-world.com
Primary socialisation is really important as a child learns their core values from the home.
Bir çocuk evden kendi temel değerlerini öğrenir gibi birincil sosyalleşme gerçekten önemli.
Kaynak: london24.com
Socialization (or socialisation) is a term used by sociologists , social psychologists , anthropologists , political scientists and
Kaynak: Socialization
In economic discourse, socialization (or socialisation) has several different but related connotations. In socialist economics , the term
Kaynak: Socialization (economics)
Focal socialisation agency (or focal socialization agency) in sociology is the name given to the agency which is most influential in
Kaynak: Focal socialisation agency
Socialization (or socialisation) refers to the lifelong process of inheriting and disseminating norms, customs and ideologies of a society.
Kaynak: Socialization (disambiguation)
A pre-school playgroup, or in everyday usage just a playgroup, is an organised group providing care and socialisation for children under
Kaynak: Pre-school playgroup
"Chapi" refers to a state of mind between Cheerful and Happy Invented as a socialisation experiment by Liam Chapman of Perth Australia on 8
Kaynak: Chapi
democratic socialist party and has the objective of the democratic socialisation of industry, production, distribution and exchange, to the
Kaynak: Australian Labor Party
of a set of norms and values established by people or groups which are influential to the individual through the process of socialisation .
Kaynak: Internalisation (sociology)
In his first article, Mises focused his criticism on the inevitable deficiencies of the socialisation of capital goods, but Mises later
Kaynak: Economic calculation problem
NLD involves deficits in perception , coordination , socialisation , non-verbal problem-solving and understanding of humour , along with
Kaynak: Nonverbal learning disorder
It is the ‘socialisation of individual lifelong learning, and is currently aided through technologies and the increasing focus on social
Kaynak: Learning society
Social constructionism of gender moves away date October 2012 from socialisation as the origin of gender differences; people do not merely
Kaynak: Social construction of gender difference
socialist state with socialisation of production, distribution and exchange. Ba Swe was the main figure behind the ABTUC in its early stage
Kaynak: All Burma Trade Union Congress

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