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socialism ne demek?

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socialism anlamı
1) sosyalizm
2) toplumculuk

"socialism" için örnek kullanımlar

I don't believe in socialism from above, but socialism from below.
Ben yukarıdan sosyalizm inanıyorum, ama aşağıdan sosyalizm yok.
Kaynak: arstechnica.com
Venezuelans search for luxury overseas homes 'to flee Chavez socialism'.
'Chavez'in sosyalizmi terk etmek' lüks yurtdışı evleri için Venezüellalı arama.
Kaynak: telegraph.co.uk
Denouncing socialism takes courage in light of today's politics 0 comments.
Sosyalizm kınayan bugünün siyasetinde ışığında 0 comments cesaret ister.
Kaynak: bgdailynews.com
In essence: socialism minus centralized government plus trade unions.
Özünde: sosyalizm eksi merkezi hükümet artı sendikalar.
Kaynak: cnbc.com
Democratic socialism is a variant of socialism that rejects centralized, elitist, or authoritarian methods of transitioning from
Kaynak: Democratic socialism
Christian socialism is a form of religious socialism based on the teachings of Jesus . Many Christian socialists believe capitalism to
Kaynak: Christian socialism
in general political discourse, used interchangeably with socialism ; however, Marxist theory contends that socialism is just a
Kaynak: Communism
State socialism has various meanings, but is generally described as an economic system with a limited number of socialist characteristics
Kaynak: State socialism
Arab socialism. (الاشتراكية العربية. Al-Ishtirākīya Al-‘Arabīya) is a political ideology based on an amalgamation of Pan-Arabism and socialism .
Kaynak: Arab socialism
In Marxist theory, socialism, lower-stage communism or the socialist mode of production refers to a specific historical phase of economic
Kaynak: Socialism (Marxism)
Socialism with Chinese characteristics. t 中國 | 特色 | 社會主義 | s 中国 | 特色 | 社会主义 | p Zhōngguótèsè shèhuìzhǔyì (CPC) based upon scientific socialism .
Kaynak: Socialism with Chinese characteristics
(a part of the sewer socialism movement, a major front in socialism, Milwaukee being the first city (and the only major one) to elect a
Kaynak: Socialist Party of America
African socialism is a belief in sharing economic resources in a "traditional" Africa n way, as distinct from classical socialism .
Kaynak: African socialism
Real socialism (-also real-socialism) is a political term, popularized during the Brezhnev era in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union ,
Kaynak: Real socialism
The history of socialism has its origins in the French Revolution of 1789 and the changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution ,
Kaynak: History of socialism
Within this context socialism has undergone four periods: the first in the 19th century was a period of utopian visions (1780s-1850s); then
Kaynak: Socialist economics
Socialism in the United Kingdom is generally thought to stretch back to the 19th century. Civil War notions of socialism in Great Britain
Kaynak: History of the socialist movement in the United Kingdom
He started a period of liberalization known as the Prague Spring in which he attempted to implement "socialism with a human face ".
Kaynak: Communist Party of Czechoslovakia
The degree to which socialism in New Zealand has been of significance in mainstream politics is debated, as varying definitions of
Kaynak: Socialism in New Zealand

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