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verbal ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

verbal anlamı
1) sözlü
2) fiil
3) kelimesi kelimesine
4) harfi harfine
5) fiile ait
1) isim fiil

"verbal" için örnek kullanımlar

Rather than ignore the verbal slights, though, Dabrowski takes them to heart.
Sözlü hakaretlere görmezden yerine, olsa, Dabrowski kalbine götürüyor.
Kaynak: nwherald.com
That was the most personality Clay has shown in a promo or any verbal segment.
Yani çoğu kişilik Clay promosyon veya herhangi bir sözlü segmentinde göstermiştir oldu.
Kaynak: wrestlinginc.com
A verbal commotion in the adjacent living room distracts her.
Bitişik oturma odasında bir sözlü kargaşa onu oyalar.
Kaynak: tennessean.com
Back in the 80s when game plans were no more than verbal motivation, instructions were simple.
Geri 80'li yıllarda oyun planlarını sözel motivasyonun daha fazla iken, talimatlar basitti.
Kaynak: theroar.com.au
and Focus , Predicate ), defining the informational status of constituents, determined by the pragmatic context of the verbal interaction.
Kaynak: Linguistics
It can include verbal harassment or threat , physical assault or coercion and may be directed repeatedly towards particular victims,
Kaynak: Bullying
year 1995 | title Infants' early verbal imitation and their later lexical development | journal Merrill-Palmer Quarterly | volume 41 |
Kaynak: Speech
A non-finite verb (sometimes called a verbal) is any of several verb forms that are not finite verb s; that is, they cannot serve as the
Kaynak: Non-finite verb
In Indian grammatical tradition, Pāṇini introduced a similar fundamental classification into a nominal (nāma, suP) and a verbal (ākhyāta,
Kaynak: Word
Brand language is a part of verbal brand identity, includes naming of both corporation and the products they sell as well as taglines ,
Kaynak: Brand language
A verbal noun is a noun formed from or otherwise corresponding to a verb . Different languages have different types of verbal noun and
Kaynak: Verbal noun

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