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verbalise ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

"verbalise" için örnek kullanımlar

of a cross-linguistically rare part of speech called a coverb , its complex predicates and for its ability to productively verbalise coverbs.
Kaynak: Wagiman language
he, as a politician, has the duty to verbalise worries that exist in society, thereby making full use of Dutch society's freedom of speech .
Kaynak: Central Committee for Ex-Muslims
Callahan and Aaron Suskind, Brattell realised that it was Alfred Stieglitz's theory of Equivalents that could best help him verbalise his own work.
Kaynak: Alexander Brattell
After each experience, the group participates in the 'reading' of the session, looking to verbalise the sensations and perceptions
Kaynak: Somatherapy
Killer Spy as L'agent à la bicyclette qui verbalise 2 (1965) The Gendarme in New York as Maréchal des Logis Berlicot (as Modo) (1965)
Kaynak: Michel Modo
father of the Oedipus complex ) that brings the child into the realm of the Symbolic by forcing him/her to act and to verbalise as an adult.
Kaynak: Foreclosure (psychoanalysis)

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