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verbally ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

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"verbally" için örnek kullanımlar

Wagner, a junior who has verbally committed to Minnesota, wasn't perfect.
Wagner, sözlü Minnesota taahhüt etmiş bir genç, mükemmel değildi.
Kaynak: startribune.com
Of sledging, that term that applies to players who verbally abuse opponents.
Sledging ki, sözlü muhalifleri kötüye oyuncular için geçerlidir bu terim.
Kaynak: irishtimes.com
He verbally and racially abused Rio's cousin, Anton who was then playing for QPR.
O sözlü ve ırksal Rio kuzeni, sonra QPR için oynuyordum Anton istismar.
Kaynak: prosoccertalk.nbcsports.com
2014 wide receiver Tony Upchurch verbally committed to the LSU Tigers on March 15th.
2014 geniş alıcı Tony Upchurch sözel 15 Mart'ta LSU Tigers kararlıdır.
Kaynak: fansided150.com
If the abuser doesn't immediately apologize and indulge in a defining statement, the relationship may be a verbally abusive one
Kaynak: Verbal abuse
or testimony are verbally transmitted in speech or song and may take the form, for example, of folktales, sayings, ballads, songs, or chants.
Kaynak: Oral tradition
Channel Television (known verbally on-air as ITV Channel Television) is a British television station which has served as an Independent
Kaynak: Channel Television
Locked-in syndrome is a condition in which a patient is aware and awake but cannot move or communicate verbally due to complete paralysis
Kaynak: Locked-in syndrome
The Artificial Passenger is a telematic device, developed by IBM , that interacts verbally with a driver to reduce the likelihood of them
Kaynak: Artificial Passenger
The history of Wing Chun , has historically been passed from teacher to student verbally rather than through documentation, making it
Kaynak: History of Wing Chun
The phrase "Roger Dodger" originated during World War II , and was verbally circulated throughout the United States military as a part of a
Kaynak: Roger Dodger (phrase)
Traditionally, information exchange has been mainly performed through traditional modes of communication - verbally. Since the birth of
Kaynak: Health 3.0
Guided meditation is a form of meditation where an individual is verbally guided into a state of consciousness either by a person's live
Kaynak: Guided meditation
They describe, graphically and verbally, a limited range of products . Specialty catalogs are a good promotion/distribution choice for new
Kaynak: Specialty catalogs
Psychological subversion (PsychSub) is the name given by Susan Headley to a method of verbally manipulating people for information.
Kaynak: Psychological subversion
The premise was to verbally provoke passers-by into a fight. The rules were Korine couldn't throw the first punch and the person
Kaynak: Fight Harm
Prepared testimony is a form of testimony which is prepared ahead of time, and is then presented verbally or in writing. It is attested
Kaynak: Prepared testimony

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