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agaric ne demek?

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agaric anlamı
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"agaric" için örnek kullanımlar

An agaric is a type of fungal fruiting body characterized by the presence of a pileus (cap) that is clearly differentiated from the
Kaynak: Agaric
They range from the ubiquitous common mushroom to the deadly destroying angel and the hallucinogen ic fly agaric to the bioluminescent
Kaynak: Agaricales
Amanita muscaria, commonly known as the fly agaric. (icon | ˈ | æ | ɡ | ər | ɪ | k or fly amanita. (icon | ˌ | æ | m | ə | ˈ | n | aɪ | t | ə
Kaynak: Amanita muscaria
Entoloma sinuatum (commonly known as the livid entoloma, livid agaric, livid pinkgill, leaden entoloma, and lead poisoner) is a poisonous
Kaynak: Entoloma sinuatum
Clitocybe nebularis or Lepista nebularis, commonly known as the clouded agaric or cloud funnel, is an abundant gilled fungus which
Kaynak: Clitocybe nebularis
Stropharia aeruginosa, commonly known as the verdigris agaric, is a medium-sized green, slimy woodland mushroom , found on lawns, mulch
Kaynak: Stropharia aeruginosa
Crepidotus versutus, commonly known as the evasive agaric is a species of fungi in the family Crepidotaceae . It is saprobic on wood,
Kaynak: Crepidotus versutus
Amanita regalis, commonly known as the royal fly agaric or the king of Sweden Amanita, is a species of fungus in the Amanitaceae family.
Kaynak: Amanita regalis
The Russulales are an order of the Agaricomycetes , (which include the agaric genera Russula and Lactarius and their polyporoid and
Kaynak: Russulales
persicina, commonly known as the peach-colored fly agaric, is a basidiomycete fungus of the genus Amanita . This variant may be
Kaynak: Amanita muscaria var. persicina
A monotypic genus with a yellowish-ivory colored omphalinoid agaric in the Hymenochaetales that grows on living Sphagnum
Kaynak: Gyroflexus
This is a list of species in the Gymnopilus genus of agaric fungi. There are about 200 species in the widespread genus. G. abramsii
Kaynak: List of Gymnopilus species
The following is a list of some notable species of the agaric genus Amanita . This genus contains over 500 named species and varieties,
Kaynak: List of Amanita species
Lichenomphalia is both a basidiolichen and an agaric genus Most of the species have inconspicuous lichenized thalli that consist of
Kaynak: Lichenomphalia
It is suspected to be the largest genus of agaric s, containing over 2000 different species and found worldwide. A common feature among
Kaynak: Cortinarius

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