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informal ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

informal anlamı
1) resmi olmayan
2) laubali
3) formaliteye uygun olmayan
4) kanunen geçersiz
5) teklifsiz

"informal" için örnek kullanımlar

The original informal organizational meeting was held in Sublette in 1993.
Orijinal gayrı örgütsel toplantı 1993 yılında Sublette yapıldı.
Kaynak: mendotareporter.com
For an informal discussion please telephone Emma Fitch on 01223 715531.
Gayrı resmi bir tartışma için 01223 715531 numaralı telefondan Emma Fitch lütfen.
Kaynak: jobs.planningresource.co.uk
To me, it seems very Silicon Valley to try to standardize an informal process.
Benim için, gayrı sürecini standartlaştırmak için denemek için çok Silikon Vadisi gibi görünüyor.
Kaynak: techcrunch.com
The two sides have held two formal talks in addition to ongoing informal talks.
İki taraf sürmekte gayrı resmi görüşmeler için ek olarak iki resmi görüşmeler gerçekleştirdik.
Kaynak: oregonlive.com
The informal sector or informal economy is that part of an economy that is not taxed, monitored by any form of government, or included in
Kaynak: Informal sector
Slang is the use of informal word s and expressions that are not considered standard in the speaker's language or dialect but are
Kaynak: Slang
A colloquialism is a word , phrase , or paralanguage that is employed in conversation al or informal language but not in formal speech or
Kaynak: Colloquialism
An informal fallacy is an argument whose stated premises fail to support its proposed conclusion The problem with an informal fallacy
Kaynak: Informal fallacy
Common-law marriage (sometimes spelled without a hyphen), and also known as sui juris marriage, informal marriage or marriage by habit and
Kaynak: Common-law marriage
Informal logic, intuitively, refers to the principles of logic and logical thought outside of a formal setting. because of the informal in
Kaynak: Informal logic
The suffixes listed here are regular, but informal. All ranks: There is an indeterminate number of ranks, as a taxonomist may invent a new rank
Kaynak: Taxonomic rank
Catalan uses the singular pronouns tu (informal) and vostè (formal), while vosaltres (informal) and vostès (formal) are used to refer to
Kaynak: T–V distinction
In voting , a ballot is considered to be spoilt, spoiled, void, null, informal or stray if it is regarded by the election authorities to
Kaynak: Spoilt vote
Tachisme is closely related to Art Informel, which, in its 1950s French art-critical context, referred not so much to a sense of "informal
Kaynak: Tachisme
The informal organization is the interlocking social structure that governs how people work together in practice. It is the aggregate of
Kaynak: Informal organization
Non-formal learning is a distinction in learning between formal and informal learning . It is learning that occurs in a formal learning
Kaynak: Nonformal learning
Those from relatively informal backgrounds may find formality to be empty and hypocritical , or unnecessarily demanding. find informal
Kaynak: Formality
At traditional Oxbridge and many Durham colleges, there may be two dinners in the college hall each evening, named informal hall and
Kaynak: Informal hall

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