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informality ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

informality anlamı
1) formaliteye uymama
2) geçersizlik
3) teklifsizlik

"informality" için örnek kullanımlar

That top, worn with pants, offers informality, novelty and grace in one punch.
Pantolon ile giyilen bu top, bir yumrukla dışılığın, yenilik ve zarafet sunuyor.
Kaynak: nytimes.com
provide an undercurrent of jovial informality to the champagne and oyster bars.
şampanya ve istiridye bar neşeli dışılığın bir akıntı sağlar.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
Note that, in each case, the commissioners are the intended beneficiaries of this informality.
Her bir durumda, bu komisyon dışılığın amaçlanan yararlananlar, dikkat ediniz.
Kaynak: fayobserver.com
It is this informality and chaos that has seeped into our approach to spotting and grooming talent.
Bu yetenek lekelenme ve damat bizim yaklaşım sızmış bu kayıt dışılık ve kaostur.
Kaynak: bestmediainfo.com
It must be intended that the defendant objected to the admission of the deposition because of some alleged informality, but what that was
Kaynak: Spaids v. Cooley
In the field of urban studies , Roy is well known for advancing the theoretical concept of “urban informality and the call for “new
Kaynak: Ananya Roy
Some distinct differences have become synonymous with the art, such as a marked informality in promotional criteria, a focus on a
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to adversarial , and is generally characterised by an insistence on formality and rationalization, as opposed to practicality and informality.
Kaynak: Law of Russia
The Oxford English Dictionary states that the term skiffle means "rent party", indicating the informality of the occasion.
Kaynak: Rent party
They have the same kind of approach, mixing informality with information derived from the author's linguistics background. Lindström's first
Kaynak: Fredrik Lindström
attachment by some monks and masters to ritual and dogma as well as too much attachment by some monks and masters to freedom and informality.
Kaynak: Bassui Tokushō
and particularly in Tennessee and Nashville The phrase has been described as implying "glorious vittles served with utmost informality."
Kaynak: Meat and three
The informality of the organization is matched by the emphasis on taking part, rather than simple competition. For instance, many
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speech levels are used to show respect towards a speaker's or writer's audience, or reflect the formality or informality of the situation.
Kaynak: Korean speech levels
MDIBL has offered a unique culture of informality and scientific rigor from its inception. Students, scientists and physicians
Kaynak: Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory
effort, and due to the perception of confidentiality , sending gyaru-moji messages to a peer is seen as a sign of informality or friendship.
Kaynak: Gyaru-moji
three or four of their regular Monday-night performances in 1991 The album captures the immediacy and informality of a small club performance.
Kaynak: King King
It is their informality, adaptability and flexibility of operations – characteristics which reduce their transactions costs and confers
Kaynak: Collaborative finance
Gelasius refers to her as regina ("queen") suggests that she had a prominent social position despite the informality of her union with Theodemir.
Kaynak: Ereleuva
Family courts were among the first in New Zealand to focus on informality; neither judges nor lawyers may wear wigs and gowns are banned
Kaynak: Family Courts Act 1980

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