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informally anlamı

"informally" için örnek kullanımlar

Attorneys for the two parties met informally with the judge on Wednesday.
Iki taraf için Avukatlar Çarşamba günü yargıç gayrı bir araya geldi.
Kaynak: post-gazette.com
Other early water claims were informally written down on fence posts, Ullman said.
Diğer erken su iddialar gayrı çit direkleri aşağı yazılmıştır, Ullman dedi.
Kaynak: heraldandnews.com
The group meets informally to share stories and writing ideas.
Grup hikayeleri paylaşmak ve yazma fikirlere gayri karşılar.
Kaynak: hometownlife.com
Informally and formally, the NAFTA countries are linked.
Gayri resmi ve resmi, NAFTA ülkeleri bağlantılıdır.
Kaynak: sfgate.com
The University of Oxford (informally Oxford University or Oxford, derived from the Latin, Universitas Oxoniensis) is a university located
Kaynak: University of Oxford
The University of Cambridge (informally known as Cambridge University or simply as Cambridge) is a public research university located in
Kaynak: University of Cambridge
The saxophone (also referred to informally as the sax) is a conical-bore woodwind musical instrument . Saxophones are usually made of
Kaynak: Saxophone
British people (also referred to as Britons, informally as Brits, or archaically as Britishers) are citizens or natives of the United
Kaynak: British people
The Antoinette Perry Award for Excellence in Theatre, more commonly known informally as the Tony Award, recognizes achievement in live
Kaynak: Tony Award
The Johns Hopkins University (informally Johns Hopkins, JHU, or just Hopkins) is a not-for-profit private research university based in
Kaynak: Johns Hopkins University
The United States Department of Agriculture (informally the Agriculture Department or USDA) is the United States federal executive
Kaynak: United States Department of Agriculture
The London School of Economics and Political Science (informally the London School of Economics or LSE) is a public research university
Kaynak: London School of Economics
The Championships, Wimbledon, "The Wimbledon Championships" or simply Wimbledon (also informally known as "The British Open"), is the
Kaynak: The Championships, Wimbledon
The Daily Mirror (informally The Mirror) is a British national daily tabloid newspaper which was founded in 1903. From 1985 to 1987, and
Kaynak: Daily Mirror
King's College London (informally King's or KCL) is a public research university located in London, United Kingdom , and a constituent
Kaynak: King's College London
The University of Miami (informally referred to as UM, U Miami, Miami, or The U) is a private, non-sectarian university founded in 1925
Kaynak: University of Miami
A manual transmission, also known as a manual gearbox or standard transmission (informally, a manual, n-speed ("n" number of forward gears
Kaynak: Manual transmission
The Ku Klux Klan (KKK), informally known as the Klan, is the name of three distinct past and present far-right organizations in the United
Kaynak: Ku Klux Klan
The Second Vatican Council (Latin : Concilium Oecumenicum Vaticanum Secundum or informally known as Vatican II) addressed relations between
Kaynak: Second Vatican Council
The University of St Andrews (informally St Andrews University or St Andrews) is a research university in St Andrews , Fife , Scotland.
Kaynak: University of St Andrews

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