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loath ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

loath anlamı
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2) gönülsüz

"loath" için örnek kullanımlar

Black Sox management were loath to let that happen between 2009 and 2013.
Siyah Sox yönetimi 2009 ve 2013 yılları arasında olmasına izin isteksiz vardı.
Kaynak: stuff.co.nz
Obviously you are either going to like this sound or absolutely loath it.
Açıkçası ya bu ses veya kesinlikle loath hoşuna gidiyor.
Kaynak: addictmusic.co.uk
He declines most interview requests and is loath to discuss his past legal battles.
O en röportaj taleplerini reddeder ve onun geçmiş hukuk savaşları tartışmak için isteksiz olduğunu.
Kaynak: bizjournals.com
O'Mahony is loath to talk around what the French may or may not think about Jackson.
O'Mahony Fransız veya Jackson düşünmek olmayabilir ne etrafında konuşmak isteksiz olduğunu.
Kaynak: irishtimes.com
In spite of years of prodding, the commissioners of the Catskill Aqueduct were loath to make over their real estate to the city; a number
Kaynak: Great Lawn and Turtle Pond
Anselm went to Germany, but was loath to receive the insignia of spiritual power from a temporal ruler and returned without investiture
Kaynak: Anselm of Lucca
P&I Clubs provide insurance cover for broader indeterminate risks, such as third party liabilities that marine insurers are loath to cover.
Kaynak: Protection and indemnity insurance
Callicratidas needed money from Cyrus to pay his men, but, as a traditionalist Spartan, he was loath to request it from a Persian.
Kaynak: Callicratidas
however, both were actually loath to quarrel with the Mughal Empire. War broke out with Aurangzeb in 1689, but in the following year
Kaynak: Sir John Child, 1st Baronet
that he only won a single prize was due to his non-Athenian birth, as the men of Athens were loath to honor any but their own fellow-citizens.
Kaynak: Achaeus of Eretria
"Some were so affected by his singing therein, that they were loath he should lose himself in empty air (church musick beginning then to be
Kaynak: Richard Clough

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