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loaves ne demek?

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"loaves" için örnek kullanımlar

"I'm not sure five loaves and two fishes will be enough," says Simon.
"Ben beş somun ve iki balık yeterli olacaktır emin değilim," Simon diyor.
Kaynak: guardian.co.uk
His hands formed pillowy mounds of wheat dough into loaves and rolls.
Elleri ekmek ve rulolar halinde buğday hamur pillowy höyükleri kurdu.
Kaynak: magicvalley.com
"We toast every piece of the bread and usually we'll do like 42 loaves of bread."
"Biz ekmek her parça tost ve genellikle biz ekmek 42 somun gibi yapacağız."
Kaynak: foxyoungstown.com
Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry is seeking the support of businesses and civic groups.
Somun ve Balıklar Gıda Kiler işletmeler ve sivil grupların desteğini arıyor.
Kaynak: sentinelandenterprise.com
The rest was formed into loaves that were marked with the family sign (this is where today's decorative slashing of bread loaves
Kaynak: Bread
File:Výroba chleba (38).JPG | Round loaves of fresh bread are taken out of the oven with a peel A loaf is a shape, usually rounded or
Kaynak: Loaf
When refining from sugar beet began in mainland Europe in 1799, loaves were produced in the same way and are still common in some parts
Kaynak: Sugarloaf
five smaller prosphora are used (in commemoration of the five loaves Jesus used to feed the multitudes ). In the Greek practice one
Kaynak: Prosphora
This miracle is also known as the miracle of the seven loaves and fish. The Feeding of the 5,000: "miracle of the five loaves and two fish"
Kaynak: Feeding the multitude
the cakes or loaves of bread which were always present on a specially dedicated table, in the Temple in Jerusalem as an offering to God .
Kaynak: Showbread
Cottage loaves are a traditional type of bread originating in England . essentially that of two round loaves, one on top of the other, with
Kaynak: Cottage loaf
However, the loaves were selected by Pullman for use on his trains Three Pullman loaves occupied the same space as two standard round-
Kaynak: Pullman loaf
Cold cuts are precooked or cured meat, often sausage s or meat loaves , that are sliced and usually served cold on sandwich es or on party
Kaynak: Cold cut
It has a dark, well-fired crust on the top and bottom of the bread There is no crust on the sides due to the unbaked loaves being stuck
Kaynak: Plain loaf
A challah cover is a special cloth used to cover the two braided loaves (challah ) set out on the table at the beginning of a Shabbat or
Kaynak: Challah cover
Also, less expensive pimento loaves are baked in sleeves instead of pans to give the cold cuts a round appearance, leading to the
Kaynak: Pimento loaf
Manufactured Malt loaves : Soreen (ˈ | s | ɔr | iː | n SOR | een) is a popular brand of malt loaf. The name is derived from 'Sorensen', the
Kaynak: Malt loaf
Often in the making of tea loaves, the fruit (usually currant s and sultanas) is soaked in cold tea to plump it before mixing it into the
Kaynak: Tea loaf
flour used in the baking The nursery rhyme London Bridge Is Falling Down has a version which includes the line "Build it up with penny loaves
Kaynak: Penny bun
A larger Artos is baked especially for use at Pascha (Easter), smaller round loaves (used five at a time) are blessed during the All-
Kaynak: Artos
Usually many loaves were baked at once The poles also remained the place of storage so that the bread aged, in its many forms, over the
Kaynak: Ruisreikäleipä

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