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loathsome ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

loathsome anlamı
1) iğrenç
2) tiksindirici
3) nefret uyandıran
4) müstehcen

"loathsome" için örnek kullanımlar

So, what about the Harlem Shake is annoying, bothersome and even loathsome?
Yani, Harlem Sarsıntı hakkında ne rahatsız edici rahatsız edici ve hatta iğrenç olduğunu?
Kaynak: albionpleiad.com
The whole experience is right on that line between enjoyable and loathsome.
Tüm deneyim doğru keyifli ve iğrenç arasındaki bu hat üzerinde.
Kaynak: redreporter.com
Didn't I tell you being a society reporter is a loathsome occupation?
Ben bir toplum muhabir olmak sana söylemedi mi, bir iğrenç meslektir?
Kaynak: scallywagandvagabond.com
You also need that team to despise, that incarnation of all that is loathsome.
Ayrıca hor bu ekip, tiksindirici olduğunu tüm bu enkarnasyon gerekir.
Kaynak: hottimeinoldtown.com
An abomination in English is that which is exceptionally loathsome, hate ful, sinful , wicked , or vile. The Biblical words usually
Kaynak: Abomination (Bible)
In the non-Zoroastrian Sistan cycle texts, Vishtaspa is a loathsome ruler who intentionally sends his eldest son to a certain death.
Kaynak: Vishtaspa
Criticism focused on the "loathsome" behavior of the lead characters, the perceived misogyny and the disregard for the effects of drug
Kaynak: Project X (2012 film)
affected by the failure, and wrote about the affair in his poetic Ode to Himself ("Come leave the loathed stage, / And the more loathsome age...").
Kaynak: The New Inn
It is the tale of a loathsome (or in Geordie dialect , "laidly") giant monster, and was later modified by the Rev. Robert Lambe, Vicar of
Kaynak: Duncan Frasier
against the Grik, a loathsome race of cannibilistic lizards engaged in a war of genocide against the sea-going lemur race Walker has befriended.
Kaynak: Maelstrom (Destroyermen novel)
confronts the difficulties of military service , his comrades in arms, the loathsome experiences of working in the kitchen or at the typewriter.
Kaynak: L'ultima Burba
which he finds loathsome when he returns for a visit Rizk became well-known enough that Reader's Digest sponsored him on a lecture tour
Kaynak: Salom Rizk
Set during the assassination of Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, the story is about a corrupt & loathsome bag man who lives with his
Kaynak: An Obedient Father
According to the Book of Vile Darkness, the loathsome yet identifiable portfolio of Orcus is what makes him worshiped as a god more often
Kaynak: Cult of Orcus

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