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proclamation ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

proclamation anlamı
1) ilan
2) bildiri
3) duyuru
4) beyanname

"proclamation" için örnek kullanımlar

This proclamation opens questions about his toughness and passion for the Bulls.
Bu ilanı Bulls için onun tokluk ve tutku hakkında sorular açılır.
Kaynak: foxnews.com
His words weren't a "we are going to win it all" proclamation.
Sözlerinde bir bildiri "biz hepsini kazanmak için gidiyoruz" değildi.
Kaynak: philadelphiaeagles.com
Developers are much more attracted to a big market than a glorious proclamation of Open.
Geliştiriciler çok daha açık bir şanlı ilanından daha büyük bir pazar çekiliyor.
Kaynak: gigaom.com
Each year since then the president has issued a proclamation commemorating the occasion.
Her yıl o zamandan beri cumhurbaşkanı vesilesiyle anısına bir bildiri yayınladı.
Kaynak: tri-cityherald.com
A proclamation (Lat. proclamare, to make public by announcement) is an official declaration. In English law , a proclamation is a formal
Kaynak: Proclamation
Proclamation Day is the name of official or unofficial holiday s or other anniversaries which commemorate or mark an important proclamation
Kaynak: Proclamation Day
Presidential proclamation: A presidential proclamation "states a condition, declares a law and requires obedience, recognizes an event or
Kaynak: Executive order
The Proclamation Declaring the Establishment of the Commonwealth was a royal proclamation made by Queen Victoria on 17 September 1900
Kaynak: Proclamation Declaring the Establishment of the Commonwealth of Australia
Congress are authorized by law under Title 36, U.S. Code , in which cases the President is under obligation to issue an annual proclamation.
Kaynak: List of observances in the United States by presidential proclamation
by 80% with the so-called crisis of Encilhamento following the proclamation of the republic in Brazil two months previously, an event
Kaynak: 5 October 1910 revolution
The Rimini Proclamation was a proclamation on 30 March 1815 by Joachim Murat , who had been made king of Naples by Napoleon I .
Kaynak: Rimini Proclamation
Universal (Uniwersał, Універсал) is a historic term that means an official proclamation or legal act. In several historic periods
Kaynak: Universal (act)
It is related to the Greek verb κηρύσσω (kērússō), to cry or proclaim as a herald, and means proclamation, announcement, or preaching.
Kaynak: Kerygma

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