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proclivity ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

proclivity anlamı
1) eğilim
2) meyil
3) yatkınlık

"proclivity" için örnek kullanımlar

Experts believe that this signify the proclivity for social disorder.
Uzmanlar bu sosyal bozukluk için eğilim anlamına inanıyoruz.
Kaynak: topnews.net.nz
Have you noticed the Astros' proclivity for acquiring low batting average power hitters?
Eğer düşük averaj güç toplarla elde etmek için Astros 'eğilimi fark ettiniz mi?
Kaynak: crawfishboxes.com
The term Camp Robber may refer to either of the following birds known for their fearlessness around humans and their proclivity for
Kaynak: Camp robber
may be overt or subtle, and while it is considered a natural proclivity of human psychology, it has developed a generally negative connotation
Kaynak: Ethnocentrism
Hinduism , Jainism , Sikhism and Buddhism and is a matter of taste, culture, proclivity, initiation, sadhana and dharmic "lineage" (parampara ).
Kaynak: Vamachara
Additionally there is a heavy proclivity towards ornamentation drawn from the Renaissance and Baroque periods as well as modeling
Kaynak: Polish Cathedral style
Wayne Lyman Morse (October 20, 1900 July 22, 1974) was a politician and attorney from Oregon , United States, known for his proclivity
Kaynak: Wayne Morse
A defining characteristic of Standish's military leadership was his proclivity for preemptive action which resulted in at least two attacks
Kaynak: Myles Standish
However, its proclivity towards roosting in large numbers in relatively few roosts makes it especially vulnerable to human disturbance and
Kaynak: Mexican free-tailed bat
His book Me'or Einayim ("Light of One's Eyes"), comprising insights on the weekly Torah portion , reflects his proclivity to Kabbalah .
Kaynak: Chernobyl (Hasidic dynasty)
The idiom "Gather round the coffee table" is derived from the furniture piece and its proclivity for encouraging conviviality and light
Kaynak: Coffee table
Born William Gomberg in Cleveland, Ohio , Gilbert's proclivity for creating gags emerged as the humor writer for the Glenville High School
Kaynak: Willie Gilbert
The yield of a vine with coulure will decrease substantially. Grape varieties with high proclivity to coulure are Grenache , Malbec ,
Kaynak: Coulure
standard compositions bear the stamp of harmonic lore, which makes his proclivity for the writing of the popular style of music the more remarkable
Kaynak: Abe Holzmann

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