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suspension ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

suspension anlamı
1) süspansiyon
2) asma
3) askıya alma
4) erteleme
5) durdurma
6) uzaklaştırma
7) asılma
8) ara verme
9) durdurulma
10) tehir
11) boykot
12) el çektirme

"suspension" için örnek kullanımlar

Canterbury Bulldog's CEO Todd Greenburg talks about Ben Barba's suspension.
Ben Barba süspansiyon hakkında Canterbury Bulldog CEO'su Todd Greenburg konuşuyor.
Kaynak: news.com.au
Suspension is nicely sorted out, which isn't a given on Kias.
Süspansiyon güzel bir Kias üzerinde verilmemişse, hangi dizildi.
Kaynak: usatoday.com
Carrillo's suspension is the first related to Biogenesis.
Carrillo süspansiyon ilk Biyogenez ilgilidir.
Kaynak: nydailynews.com
Victor Valdes will not be available due to suspension.
Victor Valdes süspansiyon nedeniyle mevcut olmayacaktır.
Kaynak: bleacherreport.com
A suspension bridge is a type of bridge in which the deck (the load-bearing portion) is hung below suspension cable s on vertical
Kaynak: Suspension bridge
In chemistry , a suspension is a heterogeneous mixture containing solid particles that are sufficiently large for sedimentation .
Kaynak: Suspension (chemistry)
In automobiles, a double wishbone (or upper and lower A-arm ) suspension is an independent suspension design using two (occasionally
Kaynak: Double wishbone suspension
Bicycle suspension is the system, or systems, used to suspend the rider and bicycle in order to insulate them from the roughness of the
Kaynak: Bicycle suspension
A motorcycle's suspension serves a dual purpose: contributing to the vehicle's handling and braking, and providing safety and comfort by
Kaynak: Suspension (motorcycle)
The world's longest suspension bridges are listed according to the length of their main span (i.e. the length of suspended roadway
Kaynak: List of longest suspension bridge spans
In topology , the suspension SX of a topological space X is the quotient space : SX (X imes I)/(x_1,0)sim(x_2,0)mbox and (x_1,1)sim(x
Kaynak: Suspension (topology)
The Christie suspension is a suspension system developed by American engineer Walter Christie for his tank designs. It allowed
Kaynak: Christie suspension
A suspension is the act of suspending a human body from hooks that have been put through body piercing s. just prior to the actual suspension.
Kaynak: Suspension (body modification)
Vehicle suspension: File:GAZ-M21 central lubrication system. jpg | Lever-action hydraulic shock absorber in a classic car suspension
Kaynak: Shock absorber
Kayfabe is often seen as the suspension of disbelief that is used to create the non-wrestling aspects of promotions, such as feuds ,
Kaynak: Kayfabe
4-3 suspension, 7-6 suspension, or 9-8 suspension. Suspensions resolve downwards; otherwise it is a retardation . A suspension must be
Kaynak: Nonchord tone
Automotive suspension design is an aspect of automotive engineering , concerned with designing the suspension for cars and trucks.
Kaynak: Automotive suspension design

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