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suspense ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

suspense anlamı
1) belirsizlik
2) endişe
3) muallak
4) merakta kalma
5) merakla bekleme
6) tereddüd
7) kararsızlık
8) erteleme
9) askıya alma

"suspense" için örnek kullanımlar

Le Carre's classic spy novel is filled with suspense, drama and mystery.
Le Carre klasik casus romanı gerilim, drama ve gizem doludur.
Kaynak: cape-coral-daily-breeze.com
Oh the suspense of whether the American would make it to the bus stop safely!
Amerikan güvenle otobüs durağı bunu yapmak istiyorsunuz olmadığı muallakta Oh!
Kaynak: foxbusiness.com
Yet the most disturbing aspect of the film is the so called suspense.
Ancak filmin en rahatsız edici yönü olarak adlandırılan bir gerilim.
Kaynak: pinkvilla.com
And then you have the wonderful framework of the suspense, you know?
Ve sonra gerilim harika çerçevesinde, bilirsin var?
Kaynak: hitfix.com
Thriller is a broad genre of literature, film, and television programming that uses suspense , tension and excitement as the main
Kaynak: Thriller (genre)
Suspense is a radio drama series broadcast on CBS Radio from 1942 through 1962. Production background: and focused on suspense thriller -type
Kaynak: Suspense (radio drama)
There is some overlap with "thriller" or "suspense" novels and like authors in those genres may consider themselves mystery novelists.
Kaynak: Mystery fiction
Sometimes the suspense comes from within one solitary character where characters must resolve conflicts with their own minds.
Kaynak: Psychological thriller
Saturday Suspense is an Indian television suspense thriller series aired on Zee TV , which premiered in 1998. The series aired every
Kaynak: Saturday Suspense
Suspense Digest is the largest circulated monthly Urdu language suspense magazine in Pakistan . The approximately 320-page magazine is
Kaynak: Suspense Digest

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