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suspect ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

suspect anlamı
1) şüpheli
2) zanlı
3) sanık
1) şüpheli
2) zanlı
3) kuşkulu
1) şüphelenmek
2) kuşkulanmak
3) şüphe etmek
4) güvenmemek
5) hakkında kötü düşünmek

"suspect" için örnek kullanımlar

The rain is still falling, though, I suspect there will be more delays.
Yağmur hala düşüyor olsa da, daha fazla gecikme olmayacağını sanıyorum.
Kaynak: bbc.co.uk
A suspect in that shooting was charged, Prince George's County police said.
Bu çekim bir şüpheli suçlandı, Prens George County polis söyledi.
Kaynak: washingtonexaminer.com
After several weeks doctors started to suspect he perhaps had rabies.
Birkaç hafta doktorlar şüphelenmeye başladı sonra belki de kuduz vardı.
Kaynak: news10.net
In the parlance of criminal justice , a suspect is a known person suspected of committing a crime . incorrectly use the word suspect when
Kaynak: Suspect
In American jurisprudence , a suspect classification is any classification of groups meeting a series of criteria suggesting they are
Kaynak: Suspect classification
The remand or detention of a suspect is the process of keeping a person who has been arrest ed in custody, normally in a remand prison .
Kaynak: Remand (detention)
A prime suspect is a person who is considered by the law enforcement agency investigating a crime to be the most likely suspect .
Kaynak: Prime suspect

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