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inoperable ne demek?

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inoperable anlamı
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"inoperable" için örnek kullanımlar

How does she comfort someone dealing with the news of inoperable cancer?
Nasıl inoperabl kanser haberleri ile uğraşan birini teselli ediyor?
Kaynak: dailytelegraph.com.au
Then, last December, he was diagnosed with inoperable pancreatic cancer.
Sonra, geçen Aralık ayında, o inoperabl pankreas kanseri teşhisi kondu.
Kaynak: mirror.co.uk
However, Kyocera notes that the phone is inoperable while the screen is wet.
Ancak, Kyocera ekran ıslak iken telefon inoperabl olduğunu belirtiyor.
Kaynak: slashgear.com
Inoperable firearms can be turned in, though there won't be any payment for them.
Onlar için herhangi bir ödeme olmayacak olsa çalışamaz duruma ateşli içinde açılabilir.
Kaynak: morristowngreen.com
Sirtex Medical Limited is an Australian-based medical device company, providing a radioactive treatment for inoperable liver cancer called
Kaynak: Sirtex
Shokat as-Sufi is a Palestinian town in the southern Gaza Strip , south of Rafah and adjacent to the inoperable Yasser Arafat
Kaynak: Shokat as-Sufi
3 is an inoperable steam locomotive preserved at Steamtown National Historic Site . It was built by the American Locomotive Company in
Kaynak: E.J. Lavino and Company 3
For non-resectable cases, the 5-year survival rate is 0% where the disease is inoperable because distal lymph nodes show metastases and
Kaynak: Cholangiocarcinoma
(Bryan Cranston ), a struggling high school chemistry teacher who is diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer at the beginning of the series.
Kaynak: Breaking Bad
In the series' narrative, Kramer is a former civil engineer dying from an inoperable frontal lobe tumor that had developed from colon
Kaynak: Jigsaw (Saw franchise)
provides command and control of U.S. nuclear forces in the event that ground-based command centers are destroyed or otherwise rendered inoperable.
Kaynak: Operation Looking Glass
By World War I, Cerberus weapons and boilers were inoperable; the ship was retasked as a guardship and munitions store, while carrying the
Kaynak: HMVS Cerberus
Kaiapoi suffered extensive damages in the 2010 Canterbury earthquake , rendering many homes uninhabitable and businesses inoperable
Kaynak: Kaiapoi
A hop count of 16 is considered an infinite distance and used to deprecate inaccessible, inoperable, or otherwise undesirable routes in
Kaynak: Routing Information Protocol
Tamper resistance ranges from simple features like screws with special heads , more complex devices that render themselves inoperable or
Kaynak: Tamper resistance
Investigators concluded that the probable cause of the crash was believed to be an inoperable instrument landing system and ground radar
Kaynak: Iran Air Flight 291
Force EC-135Cs in the "Looking Glass" role, providing command and control of U.S. nuclear forces should ground-based control become inoperable.
Kaynak: Boeing E-6 Mercury
He died at the age of 28 from stage III oligodendroglioma , an inoperable brain cancer . He played college football at Evangel University
Kaynak: Justin Skaggs
After being diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer , he resorts to manufacturing methamphetamine to ensure his family's financial security
Kaynak: Walter White (Breaking Bad)
Aunese was from Oceanside, California in San Diego County and was of Samoan descent He died from inoperable stomach cancer and lung
Kaynak: Sal Aunese
Originally fired following a touchdown by the team in possession of the cannon, it has been inoperable since 1999. The wooden carriage is
Kaynak: Fremont Cannon
In this episode, Dr. Derek Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey ) performs an operation on a hospital technician's "inoperable" tumor, despite the
Kaynak: Give Peace a Chance (Grey's Anatomy)

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