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inoperative ne demek?

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inoperative anlamı
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4) hükümsüz
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"inoperative" için örnek kullanımlar

A two by Gielow to finish the third kept the running clock inoperative.
Üçüncü bitirmek için Gielow tarafından iki çalışan saati çalışmıyor tuttu.
Kaynak: dailyjournalonline.com
So what do they encourage us to do when the escalators are inoperative?
Yani yürüyen işlevsiz zaman bize ne teşvik ne?
Kaynak: greatergreaterwashington.org
Over Rs 22,636 cr lying in inoperative accounts in EPFO 4 hr.
EPFO 4 saat çalışmayan hesaplarına yatan Rs 22,636 cr fazla.
Kaynak: thehindubusinessline.com
The Order specifically states that the amendment will be inoperative once the Sandy emergency has ended.
Sipariş özellikle Sandy acil sona erdiğinde değişiklik çalışmayan olacak belirtiyor.
Kaynak: lexology.com
Envisat ("Environmental Satellite") is an inoperative Earth-observing satellite still in orbit. It was launched on 1 March 2002 aboard an
Kaynak: Envisat
It is named after a now-inoperative quicksilver mine of the same name. The mine itself was named in honor of the world's second largest
Kaynak: New Idria, California
Szczytno-Szymany International Airport SZY | EPSY is a currently inoperative Polish regional airport located in the village Szymany, some
Kaynak: Szczytno-Szymany International Airport
Officially known as the "Great Falls Skirting Canal," the Patowmack Canal is an inoperative canal located in Virginia , United States ,
Kaynak: Patowmack Canal
Edhance is a now inoperative American corporation that operated a student discount program prior to its acquisition by BuyWithMe, Inc.
Kaynak: Edhance
This is a list of closed or inoperative passenger railway stations in Brisbane , Queensland , Australia . Airport (became Eagle Farm)
Kaynak: List of closed Brisbane railway stations
Double Knock-out , a genetic technique in which two of an organism's genes are made inoperative simultaneously. Douglas K. Ousterhout (21st
Kaynak: DKO
Minimum Equipment List, or MMEL, is a categorized list of systems, instruments and equipment on an aircraft that may be inoperative for flight.
Kaynak: Master minimum equipment list
prohibited "Indians" from being intoxicated off of a reserve) is inoperative because it violates section 1(b) of the Canadian Bill of Rights.
Kaynak: R. v. Drybones
render an entire Act inoperative because of a violation, which held instead that only the offending provision should be construed as inoperative.
Kaynak: Attorney General of Canada v. Lavell
Since multi-engine airplanes are designed to fly with one engine inoperative and flight crews are trained to fly with one engine
Kaynak: Turbine engine failure
service in 1889 and remained in use by the government, banks and the media until it was rendered inoperative by the August 2002 European floods .
Kaynak: Prague pneumatic post
federal laws, the federal law will prevail and the provincial law will be inoperative to the extent that it conflicts with the federal law.
Kaynak: Paramountcy (Canada)
Consequently, anything that can be done to improve the single-engine-inoperative climb performance will bring about an increase in maximum
Kaynak: Vortex generator
date July 2011 By contrast, a code entirely replaces the common law in a particular area, leaving the common law inoperative unless and
Kaynak: Code (law)
A gene knockout (abbreviation: KO) is a genetic technique in which one of an organism 's gene s is made inoperative ("knocked out" of the
Kaynak: Gene knockout
more or less fissile owing to the presence of bedding or cleavage planes, this structure is effaced or rendered inoperative in the hornfels.
Kaynak: Hornfels
The type of government may range from inoperative, to weak governmental authority, to incorporated municipalities. Since MCDs appear in a
Kaynak: Minor civil division
The suspension was lifted with the issuance of Proclamation 148 by Andrew Johnson and the Act became inoperative with the end of the
Kaynak: Habeas Corpus Suspension Act 1863

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