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inopportune ne demek?

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inopportune anlamı
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2) münasebetsiz
3) mevsimsiz
4) vakitsiz
5) yersiz

"inopportune" için örnek kullanımlar

Atlanta's 15th turnover came at the most inopportune moment for the Hawks.
Atlanta 15. ciro Hawks en uygunsuz anda geldi.
Kaynak: latimes.com
Still, the kid's basketball IQ disappears at the most inopportune times.
Yine de, çocuk basketbol IQ en uygunsuz zamanlarda kaybolur.
Kaynak: washingtonpost.com
The accounting hiccup, while apparently minor, comes at an inopportune moment.
Muhasebe hıçkırık, görünüşte önemsiz olurken, bir zamansız bir anda gelir.
Kaynak: blogs.wsj.com
She now unexpectedly reappears in his life at an inopportune time.
O şimdi beklenmedik bir uygunsuz zamanda hayatının yeniden görüntülenir.
Kaynak: tvguide.com
Several inopportune crashes and mechanical failures derailed his hopes but victory in the final race secured the runner-up spot and a
Kaynak: Héctor Barberá
prepare the council he had endeavoured to bring an end to quarrels between ruler; that subsequent wars had made calling the council inopportune.
Kaynak: Fifth Council of the Lateran
Although in his answer to Pope Pius IX he declared the definition of the Immaculate Conception inopportune, he was present at the
Kaynak: Marie-Dominique-Auguste Sibour
He often encountered bad luck with bike failures at inopportune times prompting the European motorcycling press to dub him "Bad Luckey It
Kaynak: Brad Lackey
Like many others, he disapproved of the attempt of the Jacobite Rising of 1745 as inopportune; nevertheless, he became involved in the
Kaynak: Hugh MacDonald (Vicar Apostolic of the Highland District)
Many Non-jurors, even some who thought the usages acceptable, thought that this effort came at an inopportune time. Brett would later
Kaynak: Thomas Deacon
schools and social work, and the financial depression which began just about the time of his arrival made a strong forward policy inopportune.
Kaynak: Frederick Head
He belonged to the minority of the bishops, who considered the definition of the papal infallibility as inopportune for the time being.
Kaynak: Matthias Eberhard
President Emiliano Chamorro Vargas replied that it was inopportune to make any changes, since the existing electoral law amply provided
Kaynak: Nicaraguan general election, 1920
Une visite inopportune, Théâtre de la Colline, directed by Jorge Lavelli, 1988. Les escaliers du Sacré-cœur, Aubervilliers Theater,
Kaynak: Copi
because some considered it inopportune to take that step at that time. McBrien divides the bishops attending Vatican I into three groups.
Kaynak: First Vatican Council
A black newspaper reporter shows up on base at an inopportune moment. The old alcoholic commander at Sellars Field has committed suicide
Kaynak: Guard of Honor (novel)
Kilbourne and a team of missionaries arrived in China in 1925, which appeared to be a very inopportune time. The country was in the midst
Kaynak: Ernest A. Kilbourne
This happens at both an inopportune, and an opportune time, as she was about to marry a young man whom she does not love. Devonny is an
Kaynak: Time Travelers Quartet

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