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inordinate ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

inordinate anlamı
1) aşırı
2) oransız
3) ölçüsüz
4) düzensiz

"inordinate" için örnek kullanımlar

That's an inordinate amount of losses for only being this far into 2013.
O sadece çok 2013 içine bu olduğu için kayıp bir aşırı miktarda bulunuyor.
Kaynak: bleacherreport.com
"There is a moment where we paused for an inordinate amount of time."
"Biz zaman bir aşırı miktarda bir süre durakladı vardır."
Kaynak: vulture.com
Repeat offenders account for an inordinate percentage of all drunken driving.
Tekrar suçluların hepsi sarhoş sürüş aşırı bir yüzdesini oluşturmaktadır.
Kaynak: starherald.com
In the previous post I described these efforts in inordinate detail.
Önceki sonrası ben aşırı ayrıntılı bu çabalar nitelendirdi.
Kaynak: economist.com
Greed is the inordinate desire to possess wealth, goods, or objects of abstract value with the intention to keep it for one's self, far
Kaynak: Greed
In operating system s, an interrupt storm is an event during which a processor receives an inordinate number of interrupt s that consume
Kaynak: Interrupt storm
In physics , hyperinstancing is a theoretical phenomenon in which a single event with only very minor differences appears in an inordinate
Kaynak: Hyperinstancing
Furthermore, the Court determined that the plaintiffs were guilty of inordinate delay in bringing the action. On appeal, this decision was
Kaynak: Eng Foong Ho v. Attorney-General
particularly against inordinate expenditures in the matter of apparel, food, furniture, etc Traditionally, they were laws that regulated
Kaynak: Sumptuary law
They may spend inordinate amounts of time on unpopular, obscure, or non-mainstream activities, which are generally either highly technical
Kaynak: Nerd
state is strong enough to dominate all others If one state gains inordinate power, the theory predicts that it will take advantage of its
Kaynak: Balance of power (international relations)
is "to conquer oneself and to regulate one's life in such a way that no decision is made under the influence of any inordinate attachment."
Kaynak: Ignatian spirituality
Whatever faults this book may possess, however inordinate its length may seem, it impresses the reader as being the ultimate saga of a
Kaynak: The Night Land
considered an inordinate number of caesarian hysterectomies during his time at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda , County Louth .
Kaynak: Whistleblower (TV series)

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