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inorganic ne demek?

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inorganic anlamı
1) inorganik

"inorganic" için örnek kullanımlar

Lexmark is focusing on building product portfolio through inorganic growth.
Lexmark inorganik büyüme ile ürün portföyü oluşturmak üzerinde duruluyor.
Kaynak: money.msn.com
Her research interests are inorganic chemistry and medicinal chemistry.
Araştırma alanları inorganik kimya ve ilaç kimyası vardır.
Kaynak: beaconnews.ca
However, there could some momentum through inorganic route as well.
Ancak, inorganik rota üzerinden biraz ivme de var olabilir.
Kaynak: moneycontrol.com
Does GroupM have any plans to look at inorganic growth in India?
GroupM Hindistan'da inorganik büyüme bakmak için herhangi bir planları var mı?
Kaynak: dnaindia.com
Inorganic chemistry is the study of the synthesis and behavior of inorganic and organometallic compounds. This field covers all chemical
Kaynak: Inorganic chemistry
The IUPAC nomenclature of inorganic chemistry is a systematic method of naming inorganic chemical compound s, as recommended by the
Kaynak: IUPAC nomenclature of inorganic chemistry
and his co-authors advocated using organic matter in addition to inorganic fertilizers in soil fertility management, but opposed advocating
Kaynak: Organic farming
Organic carbon compounds are more abundant than inorganic carbon compounds. In general bonds of carbon with other elements are covalent
Kaynak: Compounds of carbon
Inorganic Syntheses is a book series which aims to publish "detailed and foolproof" procedures for the synthesis of inorganic compounds
Kaynak: Inorganic Syntheses
A phosphate, an inorganic chemical , is a salt of phosphoric acid . In organic chemistry , a phosphate, or organophosphate , is an ester
Kaynak: Phosphate
An inorganic nanotube is a cylindrical molecule often composed of metal oxide s, and morphologically similar to a carbon nanotube .
Kaynak: Inorganic nanotube
The total inorganic carbon (C T, or TIC) or dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) is the sum of inorganic carbon species in a solution .
Kaynak: Total inorganic carbon
Inorganic polymers are polymer s with a skeletal structure that does not include carbon atoms Polymers containing inorganic and organic
Kaynak: Inorganic polymer
A mineral acid (or inorganic acid) is an acid derived from one or more inorganic compounds, and all mineral acids form hydrogen ions and
Kaynak: Mineral acid
Pyrophosphatase (or inorganic pyrophosphatase) is an enzyme ( that catalyzes the conversion of one molecule of pyrophosphate to
Kaynak: Inorganic pyrophosphatase
For ions in inorganic compounds see ionic compounds . Inorganic ions in animal s and plants are ion s necessary for vital cellular
Kaynak: Inorganic ions
This is a list of common inorganic and organometallic compounds of each element. rather than by symbol, as in list of inorganic compounds .-
Kaynak: Inorganic compounds by element
The European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry is peer-reviewed scientific journal covering inorganic chemistry . The journal was
Kaynak: European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
An inorganic anhydride is a chemical compound that is related to another by the loss of the elements of water, H 2 O. It shares this
Kaynak: Inorganic anhydride
In enzymology , an inorganic diphosphatase ( is an enzyme that catalyzes the chemical reaction : diphosphate + H 2 O
Kaynak: Inorganic diphosphatase

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